We are delighted to announce Hospice of The Good Shepherd as our official charity partner for 2024.

Who are Hospice of The Good Shepherd?
The Hospice welcomed it's first patient in 1989, and has been providing palliative, end of life care to patients in the local community since then. Their work in the community goes beyond providing vital medical care from qualified professionals, also offering a support network for families, friends and carers.
The Living Well Service
A dedicated team of nurses, adult and children counsellors, care and social workers, providing care and support to you to help you live well with your condition or adjust to your loss.
In-Patient Services
24-hour care from a professional team of clinical and palliative care consultants, medical nursing staff, complemntary therapists and more.
Out-Patient Clinics
As with all services, out-patient attendances are provided free of charge by experienced, qualified professionals. Including;
- Medical Out-Patient Clinics
- Complementary therapy sessions
- Specific rehabilitation with physiotherapy and occupational therapy team
Click here to Donate Now
We are very excited to be the Charity partner for 2024 as many of our supporters and patients are customers, staff and their families. This partnership also allows us to introduce our charity to the hundreds of staff members and visitors who have not had any interaction with the Hospice, and share what services we have available to all in our community. We also hope to see many of the brands at McArthurGlen get involved in our fundraising, by challenging themselves in 2024.
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