
Zatvoreno - Open Tomorrow 09:00 - 18:00

Find us above Tourist Welcome Desk & Burger King, close to adidas!

Our opening hours:

Monday - Thursday
12:00 - 18:00

Friday & Saturday
09:00 - 18:00

€ 3,-/hour

Find all infos for our Dinoland here.

While you are enjoying a little retail therapy, let your kids go wild at Dinoland. Our professional childminders run regular activities each week from face painting to creative crafts. Dinoland is located above Burger King. Entry is € 3,00 per child per hour (maximum 3 hours), children must be 3 years or over. For program timetable and opening hours click here. 


To Parndorf

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Dizajnerski autlet Parndorf lako je dostupan iz Beča, Bratislave i Budimpešte. Vožnja kolima od Beča traja 30 minuta, od Bratislave 25 minuta, a od Budimpešte 120 minuta.

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